More pictures of the baby Joshua. I realise whole-heartedly that pictures of one's own baby are infinitely more interesting than those of anyone elses, but I can't help but force them on you. Of course, you can always read another blog or news site, but if you happen to have subscribed to the Atom/RSS feed for this site, I'm afraid your blog reader software has already downloaded them - you might as well look at them now.We had the weigh in at 5 days old, but it was bad news. Apparently babies commonly lose up to 10% of the their birthweight by day 5, but Josh had lost 15%. He is still a well looking baby, and we think he is still perfect, but our community midwife tells us to feed him 3 hourly for the next two days until a reweigh on Saturday - any time now in fact.We have thought about excuses as to why the weight is so low, obviously being slow to feed in the first few days is the prime culprit, but next on the list was the malfunctioning scales at the hospital. The digital scales weighed him at 3lbs, so that was obviously wrong. They determined his birthweight by using the old analogue scales in the recovery room - Not sure when they were last calibrated, and they certainly weren't calibrated against the digital ones that were brought to the house. Anyway, excuses aside, we are hoping against all hopes that Josh has become heavier than 2.720kgs, so that the rest of the day isn't spent in hospital.
Fantastic to see pics of Joshua! Hope he is enjoying his first few weeks and you are both well.
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