Monday, December 04, 2006

First week in Stoke

OK, so it's not that bad. In fact, it's been a good start to a new job. I've discovered that there are some untruths circulating about Stoke hospital and the Potters. The people do smile at you in the corridor, and you do get some time to write your blog.

After starting here I was given the first weekend night shift possible, so had to know my way around the hospital before the arrest bleep started going off! There have been a few trauma cases, and a few ITU admissions, a few arterial lines and a few central lines to get me started, and it has been a pleasurable experience.

Home life is a little bit tougher, the extra hour and a bit's commuting gets me home later, closer to Josh's bedtime, so I'm getting fewer cuddles now.  One of the most noticeable things about working nights in a busy hospital is having to stay up all night, and actually go to sleep in the day!  Monday was a tough one, trying to convert back to days in one day is tough stuff - I just stayed up for 26 hours and had a good sleep.

If I thought that life was going to calm down for a bit, I was wrong.  Although I've got the exam, a few audits under my belt and just have to wait until March until I'm eligible for an SpR job, I do actually have to find said employment.  I guess I had assumed that I would be forced into the melĂ©e to find ST3 work next August - but against the odds I've been shortlisted for an SpR interview next week.  These interviews are renowned for being tricky to say the least.  I'll have to brush up on all the hot topics of the moment to see if I can scrape through.  Wish me luck!


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