Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Zaiti's mention

Zaiti (a recent commentor on this blog, my friend, and an SHO at work who has far more ITU experience than me is a regular blogger.

She ponders life and death, her life, her death, and her career.  A deep (and shallow at times) account of such wonderings is found at

Of course no blog entry is complete without a picture or two, and seeing as I have no pics of Zaiti, I'll make you all go ahhhh by showing you this weeks favourite Josh pics - He was 10 months old yesterday! Incredible how time flies!


Friday, May 18, 2007

The Christening!

It was Josh's christening a couple of weeks ago, and we managed to find him the most embarassing outfit you have ever seen (unless you've been to a christening before in which case all the babies look like that!).

It was a lovely day, the sun came out and everyone had a great time.  We invited everyone back to our house for a buffet, it's the fullest I've seen our house so far, good job people could stand in the back garden too!

There are loads more photos at picasaweb, so take a look!

Viral sharing

Sorry, a lame effort at a geek joke.  Since Josh went to nursery, we have been showered in gifts from the other kids.  Rhinitis, tonsilitis, otitis, conjuntivitis, myalgia, fevers, and migraine.  Very generous.  I'm currently at home having just about recovered from the last virus.  This one was a doozy!  I thought it was just a cold, but then came the sore throat, and full head with deafness.  Then the headaches, and muscle aches.  I struggled on working on the ICU until two days ago convincing myself I was at the tail end of it all, but when the migraine came I had to stay home for two days. Ouch.

I'm not sure that these illnesses are worth £50 per week.
